My Story
Let’s face it, humans broke Mother Earth a long time ago.
But despite the warnings, we still fail to listen.
Each year filling landfill with single use items at an alarming rate, shipping mountains of rubbish thousands of miles to other countries.
Out of sight, out of mind.
We’re in a crisis.
But yet, one-by-one - small warriors are finding their voice.
Voices who say “poo poo” to fast fashion.
“Screw you” single-use plastic.
And call out the inhumane supply chains that fuel big industry.
From one little attic, somewhere in the North
We’re joining the fight.
We’re on a mission to reduce waste – and we’re starting with your arse.
We make honest, comfy, environmentally sustainable pants from off-cuts, unsold materials and misprints
Each pair as unique as you.
For big bums and little ones, for that time of the month and all the other days.
We’re bringing personality and adventure back to your pants drawer.
And we won’t stop there.
Every part of our journey is dedicated to reducing waste further - from our ugly reused packaging, to the super soft bamboo in our period pants. We’ll always find ways to do more.
Being less wasteful is easy.
Let us show you how.
Z in the Attic – reduce your global arseprint